Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
2 minutes reading time (440 words)

Unify the World Around One Love (2)


Unify the World Around One Love
An Excerpt from my book Living Life as a Sacred Practice
Available on publisher website ~
also available through the Author.


Yesterday (April 8) we contemplated Forgiveness and being in a state of unconditional love, which forgives all errors.  We learned about Ho'oponopono, an Hawaiian sacred practice of  using a mantra to eliminate fears, delete and clean errors at the cellular level. The Mantra states:"I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, and Thank you". Today we look at the universal principle of One Love and its impact to change the world one heart at a time. One Love is Jamaica's gift to the world.


When the Great Tempter, the enemy, masquerades as your friend and sends lightning rods of hatred and bigotry your way, gracefully and powerfully just deflect them with the wave of your hand. Your intention is to Send Love and Light to fight your Battles.

Let the God or Goddess of your being answer with Love, the most powerful vibration in the universe. Love and Light are twinned. The more Love you emote, the more Light you reflect.

Ancestors near and far, guide our transition from this dichotomous world of Love and Hate, Black and White, War and Peace to one of Harmony, Peace and Pure Love. LOVE IS LIGHT, LIGHT IS LOVE and I AM LOVE, A REFLECTION OF THE MOST POWERFUL FREQUENCY IN THE UNIVERSE.

Are you willing to go through the fire that purges your internal demons so that you may be transformed into a being of love and light? Do you appreciate life every day and give thanks with every breath? Write your gratitude notes and your answers to these questions in your journal.

Sacred Practice:  Unify the World Around One Love
Sit in meditation, begin to focus on your breath. Relax fully. Begin to visualize the earth as a small ball in your open hands. Send blessings of love and light to the earth. Reach deep within to access your Divine love and send it from your I AM Presence to the I AM presence of each person on earth through the ball. Focus your intention on the small ball in your hand, which is a symbol of earth. Continue for 15 minutes or more read or recite an inspirational Psalm, Poetry or Mantra of your choice to close your meditative practice.

You may do this exercise any time you wish to share love and light with your family, friends or humanity.

AffirmationI AM Love and Light


Journal your eperiences and review often to measure your spiritual grown.


Love Forgives All Errors


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