Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
2 minutes reading time (365 words)

Ask for What you Want. You will get it.


Ask for What you Want. You will get it.

When you just imagine a thing. It may or may not manifest. However, when you reflect and act on it it comes into the material realm.

Sometimes, we hold a sacred intention and wait for it to manifest. Your active participation allows you to: See it, to believe it and then manifest it.

A dormant thought is just that. One must act. Holding the intention and then doing something to hasten its manifestation, brings results. Visualizing, Speaking and Acting are all active ways to assure

Ask for what you want. You will get it.

In 2006 Aloun Assamba, Minister of Tourism, asked for what she wanted at our Caribbean Health & Spa Conference in Jamaica. She was resolute and confident. She got what she asked for and more.

If fact, it was through her vision in the growth of the Wellness industry at the time in Jamaica that spurred and help fuel the growth of the Knowledge industry.

She appointed us, the producers of Caribbean Health & Spa Conference, to lead Jamaica’s
Health and Spa development. Our creativity combined, Health & Wellness, Spa and Culinary
as our key areas for empowerment and growth. This has never before done at the Conference
Knowledge Level. This firm foundation, provided the background for Wellness to grow in Jamaica
and Central America (Panama) during the production of the Caribbean Health Tourism and Spa
Conference and Expo years 2005-2011.

Remember to ask for Ancestral Blessings. The Spirit realm is real. Ancestors are waiting for you
to ask for what you want. You will be surprised how things seem to appear effortlessly.

Today and everyday, ask for what you want. The Divine Universe is not Santa Clause.
Do not go asking for material things like a child. Ask for what you want to uplift yourself spiritually
and through you by extension your family and humanity.

When you Receive, Be thankful and Grateful. Thank the Most High and Your Ancestors.
Share your Divine Good with Humanity and in this way, you will continue to receive what you ask for.

Ask for what you want, you will get it.

Asé, Asé, Asé OOOOOOO

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