Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (100 words)

Nanny of the Winward Maroons: The Mother of Us All


Praise to the Divine Feminine, the Matrix of Creation, the Mother of Us All, Queen Nanny. She is the Womb of Creation, Indominable, Visionary and Eternal.

She is Creation’s own reflection of itself, a mirror of our being. Ground Yourself in the Divine Feminine energy which is the matrix of Creation.

When you need Power, Strength, Inspiration call on Queen Nana Akua, Grandy Nanny. You will be infused with the Universal energy of the Sacred Feminine, the Mother of Creation to inspire you beyond belief. Ase, Ase, Ase oooooooooooo

Sharon Oshun Parris-Chambers
Living Life as A Sacred Practice

Connecting with the Sage Within
Intention with Attention Results in No Tension


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