Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (254 words)


In-your-hands3 It is in your hands

What you are seeking is seeking you. You already have it in your hands. Feel it, see it, Become it and Live it!

Awaken to your reality. Awaken to the universe speaking to you, coming to your rescue once more. Take notice that Grace has done it again.

You have it in your hands. You have the secret of your genome at your fingertips. It is within you.

Are you listening to the whisperings of Spirit? Are you listening to the Muse or Sage Within: It takes a certain kind of obedience to listen and take heed; to act on what is given or offered. It is a gift so simple and pure. Reach out and accept it.

It is in your hands to hear Spirit speaking to you, to your heart, not your intellect. Go within, Listen and observe. Still the mind and hear the message, the Life-saving Message. It is transformative. It is time to renew, Rechange, rejuvenate, Restore, Revivify your life today!

It is in your hands to receive your blessings then give thanks for having a second chance to live life to the fullest. Each moment is a gift, an opportunity for you to express it in your own unique way.

Sacred Practice: Write 10 things that you are grateful for. Enter into meditation with deep inhalations and deep exhalations, relax and close with a prayer or mantra.

Affirmation: I am one with the universe, the universe is in me and I in the universe; we are one, inseparable.


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