Greetings of peace and love to all. Last week I spoke on giving thanks as thousands of Americans travelled to be with their families on Thanksgiving day November 26, 2020.
Here in Jamaica, American expats in the hospitality industry celebrated and invited guests and natives to attend sumpteous holiday fares on the North Coast and across the island. I encourage persons not to wait for a special day to give thanks. One should be giving thanks with every breath. This is how blessings are received from the Universe.
Moving away from gastronomic delights, I encourage you to turn to the meta-physical in this regard. By that I mean focusing on the spiritual self. Let us explore the Beej mantra below.
Beej Mantras:
Today we use sound therapy to continue the week-long regimen to experience how sound vibration
can balance our Chakras, which are wheels of energy within our bodies. We are focusing only on the
seven central chakras originating at the Root Chakra (base of the spine) traveling up to the Crown ( top of the head).
The focus is on the Heart Chakra (Anahata -Sanskrit). Feel the vibrations of thanksgiving and love emanating from the Heart Chakra. Record your experience.
The sound in the videois a Seed Mantra YAM Chanting Meditation {anahata} Chakra Heaing
Whart is a Seed Mantra (or bija mantra)? A Seed Mantra is comprised of a single syllable or word. A seed mantra is said to contain the entire essence of the teaching. For example, GAM is the seed mantra for Ganesha. Kreem (क्रीं) is the bija (seed) mantra of Goddess Kali... Seed mantra can be part of a longer chant, or may be chanted by themselves.
Repeat for 3 mins to 10 mins. or longer if you wish.
COLOR: Green
You may also share your experience via Whatsapp Ma'at Sisterhood Circle. To join the Circle. Please send your request and contact details via email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Thank you.
-Oshun Ma'at
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