Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
3 minutes reading time (625 words)

True joy is achieved living one day at a time


True Joy is achieved living one day at a time, immersed in the discipline of taking care of oneself and family.Try doing too many things at once, multi-tasking: family, career, study, over a sustained period of time. What happens? If you are focused, you can still maintain your joy and happiness. But for many people, it is a challenge to their mental health. The solution therefore is to find coping mechanisms to help you live a joyful and happy life, filled with peace and contentent. Let us use the guided meditation below to create a joyful atmosphere right now.

Practice: Create a space where you are free from worry and daily concerns. Relax and enjoy the feeling of weightlessness, freedom and happiness. Now, take a few deep breaths. Visualize yourself in your favorite place to relax, such as a meadow, river, garden, etc. See yourself happy, carefree and enjoying each moment of the day. Repeat these words after me: “ I am happy and carefree, enjoying this moment in time down by the river. The water is clear and cool on this hot summer day. I feel like jumping in, but I will start by putting my feet in first. Aaah that feels nice, its heavenly! “ Sitting down, I promise yourself that I will take time out to enjoy this moment at the river bank. A flock of brown and white birds fly overhead, making some ‘squawky’ sounds, they line up in a nice V formation like geese. I look up at the azure blue sky and smile. Being in nature is having a positive and calming effect on me. I see a set of steps leading to the beach. I rise and begin to follow the path which is lined by beautiful ginger red flowers, birds of paradise sunset red and orange hanging flowers, thumburgia purple delicate flowers on a meandering vine, various species of ferns and orchids. I go down a few steps, while savouring every moment, I smile and tell myself that I am so fortunate to be enjoying this quiet moment in time. I go further down towards the bottom, looking around, I see the same kind of lush colorful beauty around me. I step down to sea level and immediately run to the beach and jump into the coolest, most refreshing water! I swim for what seems like 10 mins, and then rest on the beach. While looking about, I see a few people walking towards me while I frolic in the water. A man and woman walk up and say “hello”. I replied “hello, how are you?” They said “enjoying the beauty of this perfect day.” “Have you seen any starfish, stingray or jellyfish today?” “Yes, I have seen some starfish, but luckily no jellyfish today.” They sit and stared out to sea and I with them. Soon, I felt the urge to begin walking back alone, so that I could enjoy the beautiful landscape, flora and fauna. “I will be leaving now, it was a pleasure meeting you”, I said and slowly walked away.

Repeat the above in the ‘third person’ Begin this way: “You are happy and carefree, enjoying this moment in time down by the river…

I return to this conscious now moment, refreshed and rejuvenated. I smile easily and know that my joy is in each conscious moment spent being aware of nature around me, paying attention to people, places and things. I know intuitively that everything will work out in the fullness of time. In reality, if you must force something to happen, perhaps it won’t happen. Instead, just step back and allow the Universe to help you or orchestrate the desired outcome.

Affirmation: I remove the mist of my mind and find joy.

Look at the beauty in nature, observe its secrets,...
Live in the Now with every breath you take


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