Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
1 minute reading time (98 words)

Thought is Food - Go now and Feast on Positive Thoughts


Thought is Food - Go now and Feast on Positive Thoughts by Sharon Parris-Chambers

The thoughts and the breath both present feasts for daily living. These are Thought and Breath Feasts.

Stream of consciousness is a Thought Fest when positive ideas flow like a fountain of creativity.

Breath Feasts allow us to take in the breath of life, sharing it with others, speaking, visualizing, healing

and manifesting our destiny, one breath at a time.


Take in the breath of life and pratice experiencing the fragrances, tastes, textures, sights and sounds

- all food for thoughtful living.



When you see with your heart, you relieve the eyes...
Let your Purpose Find you and Then Become it


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