Transformational Quotes

Transform Your Life
3 minutes reading time (632 words)

Qigong is an Effective Sacred Practice Integrating Mind, Body & Spirit


Glenville Ashby, Ph.D. Qigong practitioner, award-winning author from New York and Gleaner Religion & Culture columnist, is getting ready to travel to Jamaica, W.I. on September 28, 2019 to facilitate for the first time in Jamaica a Qigong Workshop at Afya Holistic Village in Kingston entitled: QIGONG: RECAPTURE LIFE, HEALTH & HAPPINESS.

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Glenville Ashby, Ph.D.

Ashby recounts in his book "The Mystical Qigong Handook for Good Health" (2017) his experience meeting his teacher Grand Master Zhou Ting-Jue. He said that while he waitied in the clinic for the sought after Master to come to him, he was nervous. Katherine, the Master's assistant gave him a booklet on the fundamentals of the Master's unique system of Qigong. "I am advised that I must attend to all tasks before undertaking the practice. My mind must be unfettered. The lesson is already in progress and I hardly realized it. "Think happy thoughts; about the happiest times in your life."

During his training, Ashby said "I am beginning to sense changes within: mental clarity, a sense of euphoria. There is also sporadic tingling in my hands and at times I am overcome with heat."

Today, Ashby has completed his amazing training with Master Zhou Ting-Jue affiliated with the US-China Wudang Qigong Association, Los Angeles, in 2015, and received his certification. Following the age-old principles of Qigong, Ashby told me, his student of QiSynthesis a unique branch of Qigong, two years ago, "relax and think happy thoughts before we start Qigong." He then led me into quiet contemplation, my left hand covered the right, placed 1.5" below the navel at the area called the 'Dantien,' a powerful energy source where Qi is man. Then I moved into few forms of the standing meditation called Zhan Zhuang before continuing in Qigong  practice.

In this mindfullness practice, it is importnt to clear your mind, put a smile on your face and get in touch with your feeling nature before beginning Qigong practice.

Begin to feel love for yourself, love for family members, love for humanity. Collect all these feelings of love stored in the Heart Chakra and move them to the Third Eye. With your powerful intention, now send your love to humanity on the planet.One heart at a time.

Qigong is a preventative and curative practice of therapeutic movement to help you bring mind, body and spirit in alignment. Its practice has been in use for over seven thousand years.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of healing based upon the Chinese philosophy of the correspondence between Nature (Tao) and human beings. The principle of microcosm-macrocosm is based upon the observation of several thousand years that Nature has a vital effect upon the health of people. Another fundamental principle is that of Yin and Yang, the two basic complementary energies of Nature. All of the manifestations of nature are thought to be composed of a specific balance of these two forces. Health is also thought to be due to the appropriate balance of yin and yang in the body. This balance is reflected in many ways, but the most fundamental is that of the relationships of Qi, the vital force or energy which flows through a system of channels and conduits in the body, much like the earth`s magnetic field. The Qi is responsible for activating and maintaining all of the physiological functions of the body.

In the Western world the growth of Qigong has been phenomenal and here in Jamaica, its interest is on the rise. Join Glenville Ashby, Ph.D and Sharon Oshun Parris-Chambers facilitators of the Qigong Workshop RECAPTURE LIFE, HEALTH & HAPPINESS slated for September 28, 2019 beginning 2:30 p.m. CT at AFYA Holistic Village 2D Bamboo Ave, Kingston 6.

For more information contact Sharon Parris-Chambers at 1-876-275-3169. Thank you. Namaste.


Qigong Can Help You Recapture Life, Health & Happi...


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